Ombre Coffee
Terry and Nicole were great to work for and left the assignment incredibly open-ended. They felt the coffee roasting company was in need of a new logo and branding overhaul, something “irreverent but professional.” After presenting multiple logotypes, the winning combo turned out to be a bean-stenciled O alongside a slightly manipulated version of the font Quincy. The packaging and collateral followed suit with a minimal bag, cold brew cans, colorful labels, swag, and vehicle wraps.
→Brand Identity / Packaging / Vehicle & Swag Design
Their cold brew was in such high demand, canning was the obvious next step.
Moving away from the look of the bags, we wanted them to stand out on the shelf, while also saying “coffee”. So many cold brew cans end up resembling craft beer instead of what they really are. The name “no magic” was the owner / roastmaster general’s notion that cold brew isn’t some kind of wizardry that only barista’s can offer.